Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Dummy Security Camera - Why and Why Not

We all know what a dummy security camera is – it is a security camera that is made to supposedly look just like a genuine camera, but it does nothing. As with most things in the security field, there are positives and negatives involved with a dummy security camera. You need to consider carefully what you are protecting, the probable level of criminal activity and your own resources.

Dummy Security Camera

Why Use Fake Security Cameras

The biggest plus to a dummy security camera is that they are cheap, much cheaper than the real thing. They also, quite obviously, don't need additional equipment such as recorders. you will not have to spend nearly as much money as you will if you go for the real thing. Dummy security cameras basically max out at $30 tops, while real security cameras can cost up to hundreds of dollars. So not only are you able to save more to begin with, but you also are freer to get more cameras, so that you can give the idea that more of your home is safeguarded.

Dummy security cameras are especially great to use if you mix them in with a few real life models, so that in case any would be thugs are somehow able to determine that a few of the cameras are fake, they will automatically assume that they are all and therefore are more likely to get caught on the actual cameras and therefore make it easier for you to have proof and report and identify them to the police.


There are also disadvantages to using a dummy security camera, however. Some models are often very easy to spot. For an experienced criminal, identifying a dummy security camera, especially if it is a particularly cheap model, can be quite simple.

While dummy cameras may scare off some burglars, they can also give you a false sense of security. If your home or business were actually broken into, fake cameras obviously can not provide any form of proof or any way to find out who was responsible. One of the major components of a fully effective security system is the active monitoring that it offers, and by using dummy security cameras you lack this component.

There is also some evidence which indicates that once the use of dummy security cameras has been identified, criminal activity actually tends to increase over previous levels. The idea is that one identified weakness in your security system can encourage criminals to be more willing to take a chance on the rest of your security system also being weak.

In some situations, particularly with less elaborate home security systems, careful use of high quality dummy security cameras can add a modest additional amount of protection at a minimal cost. Obviously, your budget, what you are protecting and the most likely threats all need to be considered when you are determining the nature of the security system you need and whether dummy security cameras or full active monitoring and recording are best for your situation.

photo credit: byb64 (en voyage jusqu'en août :-)) via photopin cc


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