Friday, August 8, 2014

Outdoor Security Cameras - More than Amazing

There come times in your life when you run into the kind of gizmo that's so fascinating that it hardly matters if you actually need it or not. The sort of thing you want to just sit and be awed at it – sort of like a high tech lava lamp. One such gadget is the outdoor security camera. It utilizes technology that would give Mr. Spock a headache. And, depending on your circumstances (see your tax advisor), you might even be able to write off your costs for an outdoor security camera.

Outdoor Security Cameras

Why Are They So Cool

They have infra red night vision. Yes, yes - they can see in the dark. So now, with your new outdoor security camera, you see what goes bump in the dark and where it's bumping. You can check out the wildlife in your back yard. Hmmm. You can also check out the wild life over there in the neighbor's yard (just kidding, you wouldn't really do that would you?). You can (and should) get weatherproof outdoor security cameras, armored outdoor security cameras (talk about protecting your investment!) and even outdoor security cameras for under $100 (US). You can choose black and white outdoor security cameras or color cameras (this refers to the images you see, not the color of the actual camera itself).

And, did I mention that they have infra red night vision?

Fun Accessories

Sadly, the camera can't do it all. It tends to be just the star of an ensemble piece. You need brackets, instructions, wires and some kind of monitor. Most security cameras are hooked up to internet services. Don't just buy the first pretty outdoor security camera that winks at you. You need to check out what specifications it needs in order to operate. You also need to consider whether you want just a monitor or a recording device also. And whether you want a wired or wireless system.

Any potential security camera company you think of doing business with has to be able to answer a few basic questions before you lay any money down:

Who installs it?
Who fixes it?
What refund policies do you have?
What warranties do you offer?
Are there any lenses that fit onto this camera?

These questions should cover the situation for a system that doesn't include an off-site monitoring service. A fully monitored system is a different beast and requires a lot more thought and analysis before you pick a company to go with.

In Conclusion

Outdoor security cameras may be a little expensive but they are very cool. If you don't necessarily really need one, but do need a good excuse to buy one, check with your homeowner's insurance policy to see if you get any discount by installing one. Check also with your state tax laws – sometimes security cameras qualify for home improvement tax refunds. And don't forget to check with your tax advisor to see if it could be written off as a business expense.

photo credit: michaelpickard via photopin cc

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bobbie thanks for this great post, You made a lot of valid points but i don't agree with you about your conclusion because now there are a lot of companies in the market who offer free installation of there products no matter outdoor or indoor. I suggest you to get some information about best home secrurity systems from this website.
